Scoliosis UK

Scoliosis Treatment & Schroth Therapy

Deborah Turnbull BSc. CSP & HCPC Registered Physiotherapist

9+ years NHS Physiotherapy experience in all core areas

18+ years of experience providing private Schroth Therapy

Schroth Certified Therapist

Certificates in both original German Schroth ISST and modern Best Practice Schroth SBP methods

Combining established conservative European specialist treatment methods to train client’s in their individual back deformities, to halt and / or reduce (if still growing) curves, reduce muscle imbalances, avoid surgery and empower the person.

Deborah Turnbull with Dr Weiss becoming a certified physio instructor.

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is not a life threatening condition! So why is it that the first person you meet is a surgeon? – good question.
The causes are not well known, hence the name ‘Idiopathic’ (of unknown cause) there are many theories but it tends to develop during large growth spurts.

It is a 3 dimensional change in posture which during growth leads to a boney angle (deformed change in the vertebrae) that is measured on the X-ray. More than 10 degrees cobb angle is the diagnosis of scoliosis.

Scoliosis causes negative cosmetic physical effects in appearance (a shoulder blade can rise, a waist looks asymmetrical and when bending forward one side of the ribs rises upwards), not to mention the consequences on self-image and confidence and scoliosis can (but not always) cause pain through compensations in posture and load.

It can be improved with Schroth Best Practice physiotherapy and Gensingen Cheneau braces. It does not always need to lead to surgery, but surgery is the main treatment offered in some health systems. There is evidence to support Schroth-based home programs part of PSSE (pattern or physiotherapeutic -scoliosis-specific-exercises) or PSSR approaches (pattern specific scoliosis rehabilitation). 

There is an increasing acceptance that conservative approaches have a role in scoliosis and can be successful in treating idiopathic scoliosis. 

Scoliosis Treatment

The treatments utilise the specific muscle groups affected to normalise the posture through static, dynamic and stabilising control, making gravity a friend.

A full specialist physiotherapy assessment is provided, individual exercise programs, advice and training on adaptation of regular activity postures and advice and provision of high standard over-corrective 3D Cheneau German designed braces.

Aims of Treatment

Aims in children:
Reduce cobb angle (to avoid surgery and progression)

Aims in adults:
Stabilise cobb angle and prevent progression / worsening of the cobb angle 

Normalise / re-balance posture
improve the cosmetic concerns and therefore prevent progression

Improve function
prevent respiratory system issues and restore movement

Reduce postural pain

To enable the patient to independently manage their concerns and overall empower them in their treatment decisions.

Patients and families have varying concerns when diagnosed.
We try to provide reassurance, realistic outcomes, and expectations from the outset. Treatment is always individualised and changes during the treatment process.

Book an Appointment

Appointments can be arranged online using our booking from.

Schroth Best Practice Certification

A course that provides physiotherapists with the skills necessary to guide their scoliosis patients, to help diagnose curve patterns and to apply pattern specific exercises for the treatment of scoliosis.

Schroth Best Practice
Pectus Excavatum Treatment

Pectus Treatment

Pectus deformities of the ribcage. The chest is raised forwards (Pectus Carinatum) or the chest is sunken (Pectus Excavatum). Usually there is some rib flaring at the bottom of the ribcage also.

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